
Up next: HBOStalker...

After a couple of weird commercials, some random browsing on HBO OnDemand and maybe a little too much time on my hands, I found myself briefly drawn to this unusual HBO promotion called HBOVoyeur.

The initial concept is kind of cool, 8 tiny stories happening simultaneously in the span of five minutes, many of them interconnecting. There's no dialogue, just a lot of dramatic body language and it's kind of interesting to watch so many things happening at once and figure out what's going on.

At first, I was fascinated that HBO would be taking such a risk with an unusual new series. Unfortunately, after watching a few of the stories a little closer, I watched a "Making of" and discovered the truth. It's just an HBO multi-media promotion to get people "talking about HBO." The stories are even meant to mirror some of what goes on in your quality HBO programming. They even screened the movie on a wall in NYC and HBO asked someone to blog about it too. When I realized it was no more than self promotion for the network, I gotta say I was a little disappointed.

Anyway, it's all still sort of interesting – if you've got high speed, you can check it out at HBOVoyeur.com. There are also a few more random, disturbing stories if you're willing to search around the city a little bit. There's a phone number on one of the pages that I was tempted to call, but I'm a little worried it'll suck me back into its weird little world...

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