
Book review #1: Cash

And here are my takes on the previously mentioned books, just so I feel like I accomplished something by reading them, starting with...

Cash. Probably the best book of the bunch. It's definitely the most hopeful tale -- Cash has an almost unbelievable story. His battles with drugs and self destruction seem the most intense, he reached a level of success few have attained, and yet he managed to keep a level head about it all through the end of his career. Of course, Cash had the advantage of writing this from a perfect perspective: If he had written it any earlier in his career, it would likely have come off as either too brash or cocky or preachy. While these sides have their moments, he manages to keep them from dominating. But, above all, what keeps you reading is his stories. Cash has some great ones, and a knack for telling them too.

My biggest criticism is that some chapters read like extended shout-outs to family and friends, which gets a little dry. Even still, Johnny keeps the tone conversational, so when he's bragging about his kids and grandkids you feel like the chat is between just he and you. It's a great memoir and I would recommend it to anyone who appreciates the music and wants to know more about Cash beyond the entertaining (but historically patchy) biopic Walk The Line.

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